Clare Bear’s page

“Clare, you were fabulous yesterday! What a great note to finish our session on.”
– Professional Development Session for Enliven Recreation Advisers, 2017

Clare Bear – Hutt Valley and Wellington

I live in Lower Hutt with my cats and joyful doodle-dogs. Having lived with the health challenges of chronic pain and exhaustion for 25+ years, I experienced a remarkable recovery in 2016 – helped along by the healing powers of laughter yoga. So I love to bring laughter and wellness to others 😊

Outside my serious day job, I am available to provide laughter yoga across the Wellington region for:

+ One-off conference or team-building sessions – a great way to energise, build skills and connections, and end on an endorphin high

+ Small group laughter workshops or personal coaching

+ A regular laughter yoga club – I’m hoping to get one going soon in Lower Hutt and/or Wellington CBD

+ Laughter for seniors

Phone/text 021 0555 456 or email

Laughter yoga for seniors

I am particularly interested in bringing laughter yoga to older people or provide some fun and tips to staff and volunteers who help to enrich seniors’ lives, e.g. recreation advisers and diversional therapists who work in retirement homes.

How does laughter yoga help seniors?
As we get older we laugh less, and become less active and socially connected. Laughter yoga is a popular exercise across 50+ countries, providing a low-impact way to bring good health and good cheer to seniors.

“At the beginning, I felt silly, but then I forgot about my pain. You look around and see everybody laughing and smiling. It’s a lot of fun.”
– Millie Mund, has osteoporosis, arthritis & circulatory problems

Laughter yoga classes can be easily adapted to all levels of cognitive, sensory and motor abilities. The laughter leader creates a supportive circle, and builds rapport and safety with talking, listening, nostalgia, and physical touch.

+ Seated circle with slower, gentler movements – each to their own ability

+ Easy exercises that don’t need cognitive humour – suitable for dementia

+ Improves memory, fitness, mood and self-worth – and reduces aches, worries and frustrations for the elderly

+ Eye connection and group activity encourages a sense of belonging

More about Clare Bear – seeking volunteers
I’m also interested in positive psychology, spirituality, neuroscience and mindfulness – a long way from my background as a lawyer and analyst!

I’m currently developing workshops to help other Kiwis who have experienced Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, chronic pain, depression etc – because as I’ve experienced for myself, it IS possible to recover and shine with wellness again.

I am also training in a psychotherapy/counselling modality called ‘hakomi’. Hakomi is ‘a way of looking at the world that is compassionate, mindful, curious, non-invasive, humorous and respectful’ (

Would you like some help, and in turn to help me test out my healing workshops with in small groups, or my 1:1 listening/coaching skills? I am looking for local volunteers so drop me a line if you’re interested 😊